Feed Needs Without Borders » Ambulance Services- Free Transportation of Patients Ambulance Services- Free Transportation of Patients – Feed Needs Without Borders
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Ambulance Services- Free Transportation of Patients

Ambulance Services- Free Transportation of Patients

The vulnerability of people increases when they cannot access the health care they require. When you are in front of a resigned suffering sick person who cannot afford to be transported to the hospital, your heart bleeds…

The Republic of Benin is one of the nations with high maternal mortality rates, and the delay in seeking care and the lack of an efficient and functioning emergency system contribute to this problem.

The socio-health context of Benin, which is one of the developing countries, does not have a universal health insurance system, nor an emergency transport service. As a result, most people opt for traditional local products than going to a health facility. This miserable conditions often lead to loss of human lives.

Help us perpetuate this program of free transport of the indigent patients.

A medical transport system has been put in place to help transport the patients- primarily the expectant women to hospitals for free. The objective of this project is to financially maintain and sustain it in the long term in order to save human lives.  Getting women to a hospital in time helps save both the lives of the mothers and babies in Benin.